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The federal association Initiative 50Plus Europa e.V. is an independent initiative that represents the interests of the 50Plus generation in Europe. Many people over 50 are mentally and physically fit and have good financial security. But not everyone is doing well. We see it as our task, alongside the state, to offer help for self-help. The federal association Initiative 50Plus Europa e.V. draws attention to the needs and diverse potential of the 50 Plus generation in politics, society and business. A number of organizations and associations are affiliated with the federal association Initiative 50Plus. More information can be found here. For all of this, the federal association Initiative 50Plus Europa e.V. relies on the support of its members. Their time commitment, membership contributions and support make our work possible. Are you already part of the 50Plus generation? Become a member or volunteer for the federal association Initiative 50Plus Europa e.V. Help us give people over 50 a voice and meaning in our society.
The federal association Initiative 50Plus Europe is registered in the Transparency Register of the European Union.