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Work 50Plus initiative
By 2030, the number of people in employment will have fallen by 20% in Germany alone – due to demographics. This has serious effects on the national economy, the performance of companies – especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the personal perspective of each individual employee. Politics and business are increasingly recognizing the challenges we all face.
Older people are therefore becoming increasingly important in the labor market. The number of unemployed people over the age of 55 has almost halved in the past ten years and the number of older workers aged 55 to under 65 increased by more than one million from 2005 to 2009. It is predicted that there will be 13 million older workers in 2025.
In view of the declining number of trainees and students, in the future more attention will have to be paid to the integration of older people into the labor market. With their strengths, older employees make a significant contribution to the business success of companies. You are efficient and motivated. They have professional skills acquired over many years, extensive experience and high social skills. They are best workers.
You can find the BVI50PLUS labor market portal here.